Expected Student Outcomes

Expected Student Outcomes :

Mount Carmel Schools believe that these expectations are paramount to successful Christian students and leaders who graduate from Mount Carmel Schools.

Our graduates will:

Have a dynamic spiritual life

  • Retain a positive testimony and the witness of a holy heart

  • Regularly practice spiritual disciplines - including daily devotions, Bible study, and prayer.

  • Demonstrate a Godly character through the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control

  • Exhibit their commitment to their roles in the body of Christ by consistent church attendance and involvement

  • Share the Gospel with others

Possess a Christian worldview

  • Make ethical decisions in all areas of life

  • Respect all people as created in the image of God

  • Clearly articulate the differences between Christianity and other worldviews

  • Defend and share their own personal faith in Christ

Be life-long learners

  • Demonstrate mastery of academic skills

  • Be creative and critical thinkers

  • Apply learning to real-world problems

  • Carry out tasks productively and efficiently

  • Appropriately access and use various types of information technology

  • Possess a love for learning

  • Recognize that there are spiritual implications to learning

  • Apply knowledge to make healthy choices and lead a healthy lifestyle

Model Good Citizenship

  • Demonstrate a drive to excel in the area(s) in which God has both equipped and called them

  • Apply gifts in leadership and service to the home, community, and church.

  • Accept personal responsibility for their actions

  • Seek to understand and appreciate people of all cultures

  • Demonstrate stewardship and show respect for God’s creation and provision

Demonstrate moral and ethical integrity

  • Uphold biblical standards in family and personal relationships

  • Promote the sanctity of human life

  • Practice honesty in all areas of life

  • Set and work toward Christ-honoring goals

  • Learn and move forward from failure, never be defined by it

  • Demonstrate self-control of attitude and behavior