What We Believe -
Mount Carmel Schools stand out because of our commitment to Jesus, and the Bible as our firm foundation. Our Doctrine is directly aligned with this foundation.
Mount Carmel is committed to the Wesleyan interpretation of Christian Doctrine as defined in the Kentucky Mountain Holiness Association Handbook :
The Supreme Authority and Divine plenary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures- Inerrant in the original documents
One God, self-existent, revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who are co-equal and co-eternal
The deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, vicarious atonement, bodily resurrection, and personal premillennial return
The person and the deity of the Holy Spirit
The lost condition of humankind who was made in the image of God and by transgression fell
The universal inheritance of depravity of soul and spiritual death
Justification provided through Christ’s atonement for ALL who repent and believe
Entire Sanctification as an instantaneous work of grace after regeneration, wrought in the believer through faith and witnessed to by the Holy Spirit whereby the heart is cleansed from all sin and filled with the pure love of the Holy Spirit
The progressive growth in grace toward Christian maturity through a consistent Christian life of faith and good works
The resurrection and glorification of the saints and the eternal punishment of the wicked
The ordinances instituted by Christ: water baptism and the Lord’s Supper
A Biblical view regarding marital faithfulness and monogamy, condemning promiscuity, fornication, and a homosexual lifestyle
Note: We believe the Scriptural gift of languages recorded in Acts 2 is a gift of a foreign language for the propagation of the Gospel. Speaking in unknown tongues in public or private worship (including “prayer language”) contradicts Biblical teaching. The practice or promotion of such is not permitted.