Lazarus Project :

What is the Lazarus Project?

Efforts are underway to renovate Mount Carmel’s very first building: the Administration Building, which enabled the school to begin its first year in 1925. Many thanks to Kentucky Regional Area Development District (KRADD) as they assist MCS by providing grant writing services for this purpose.

Approval of this grant signify the ability to establish our cornerstone building to serve as administrative and teacher offices once again. The renovation will be a tremendous benefit to our local and international students, bring revenue and relief to our local business and economy, provide centralized disaster relief offices, and the Kentucky Mountain Holiness Association (KMHA) will collaborate with local and regional officials.

The pre-application for the Lazarus Project has been submitted. Summit Engineering in Lexington, Kentucky, was selected for the architectural design and restoration. Mount Carmel former student Richard Jackson is our project manager and will work closely with Summit’s engineers upon approval of this grant.